Frost Seeding, It's fun for the whole family

I was a little afraid we had missed the boat to frost seed some clover into our pastures this spring. It was 60 degrees here over the weekend, and got nowhere close to freezing over night. In order to frost seed we need the night time temperatures to go low enough to freeze a crust on the soil, which causes it to honeycomb. That opens up cracks for the seed to land in. We got it last night and I had borrowed the broadcast seeder that the Susquehanna County Conservation District owns. I knew I would have 3 kids with me so I ended up mounting the seeder on the snow plow lift arm on the front of the pickup truck. We got going on the seeding at about 7 this morning and by 8:30 we had covered the 13 acres I had planned to do. This is the first time we have tried frost seeding so I will be interested to see what happens. There is no clover in those fields now so any we see this summer we can take credit for.
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