The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

I went to the field day at Polyface Farm (Joel Salatin's place) this summer. I had a great time and certainly got more than $75 worth of ideas out of it, not to mention a good lunch. It's one thing to read about something but sometimes you just have to see how elements all come together to form a working prototype. I thought I took a lot of pictures, but I don't think I took enough now. One thing I have noticed about pictures is that the main subject of the picture often isn't as interesting as something in the background later on. I am beginning the process of building a coral and handling chute for cattle and I wish I had taken more pictures of his setup for ideas. I was able to get some info from the background of a few pictures. Anyhow, what amazed me most about this day was the turnout. The estimate was between 1200 and 1400 people. When I got there they had 10 hay wagons for hauling people out to the fields. Joel got on a bull horn as the thing was starting and said how many people were here and that a vast majority of us would need to walk. He also said that they had to cut off registration 3 weeks early because it was starting to get out of hand, and they were afraid there might be 2000 people attending if they didn't close it out. I don't know what it really means, but it sure felt like a small farm revolution to me.
Peter -
nice blog and great photos! I have to come up with a corral design as well. getting into 20 head of Devon/angus cross this spring to grow out on grass. was thinking of driving posts and putting up solid lock wire. what did Salatin have devised?
Jericho Settlers' Farm
His working chute (also a scale) were inside a shed along with a couple of connected small pens. Just outside the shed were some larger sorting pens and a loading ramp. The fences for the corral were hardwood boards, but he has a lot of woods and a bandsaw mill so it was probably pretty cheap for him to build. I am planning to use closely spaced high tensile, except in the working chute which will be out of some old wide planks I have. What I really liked was the homemade headlock he had, which would be pretty cheap to build.
Yes, it won't be televised. If it is, it won't work. People don't realize that organic/alternative/sustainable farmers are in the forefront of society. Oh, and us gardeners too. People that grow real, nourishing food are what this country and world needs. The soil is related to the mind and the soul. Lack of soil health brings about dis-health in humans. Long live soil with a flourishing micro-herd!
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