Store Update- Tile Hooligans

Don Lee owns a third of the businesses in downtown Springville, which means that he owns one. Unless you count Lee and Son Flooring and Americana Roads Antiques as two separate entities, in which case he owns half. Anyway, Don has always been helping us out, at first by finding good horse drawn farm machinery for us and giving me some blacksmithing work to do. Later when we began raising and butchering poultry he started helping us with the processing. Not a lot of people out there who want to volunteer to spend a day killing, scalding, and plucking chickens.
When we started planning the farm store and new and improved processing room he said that he and his son Justin would tile it for us using the left over tile from years of tiling jobs. The end result is the picture above. And the added bonus is that there are still enough tile left over for me to do the walls of the "Evisceration Station" in tile which will make wash downs very easy.
Wow, what great friends!
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