Thursday, May 06, 2010

Diplomatic Immunity

Hello, hello, is this thing on?

A couple of days ago something something started picking off my new batch of laying pullets at night. I was having a hard time figuring out what kind of predator I was looking for, so my neighbor Dick lent me his motion activated camera and I set it up last night. Looks like the suspect is a Great Horned Owl. I can't do anything about him, so I will just have to tighten up the chicken pens. They are pretty tight around the bottoms, but there is a spot over the door where something (like an owl) could fly in. Especially if it could see well at night.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Calving 2010

Here is the first calf of 2010, from back on April 11th. We are now up to 10 calves (I think, I haven't checked yet today) with about 9 or 10 more to go. So far there have been no calving problems.