Cow Shed East (another damn construction project)
Over Thanksgiving weekend I began construction on another cow shed. This one comes off of the east side of the barn. My brother Steve helped on the first day. We ended up getting all four or the posts set and the rafter plates set on top of them. I had dug the post holes during the summer when I had the machine here for digging the pond/pool. As you can see from the photo's this is going to be a pretty wonky looking shed. For the sake of economy I am using locust poles for the posts, rafter plates and rafters. Given that these trees don't grow perfectly straight the roof is going to have some undulation to it.
Anyway, the second weekend Saphouse Bill came and helped me set the first half of the rafters. I am hoping to get the rest of them up this weekend. Adding to the strangeness of this shed is the notion that I need to be able to access the dormer window in the photos. I put that window in a couple of years ago so that we could fill the barn all the way to the peak with hay. So this shed roof is going to end up with a 4'x10' removeable panel in the center of the roof so that I can get the elevator up to the dormer.
The overall size of the shed is going to be 18'x40'